we have our usual sister dinner gathering =) when i arrive, i saw angie& mbek was there already XD Potter, Shio & wani was stuck in the jam at Times square (at night pun KL jam oRZ)
but they made it safely alrite! <3
Hope we will continue doing this for more years to come *cheers!*
It was memorable as usual, getting to meet up with friends from far& wide once a year (i don't even meet up with the ones in KL that often oRZ) I sincerely apologized if u have seen me moody or grouchy on CF day 2. There was a lil conflict between me& J.c well that doesnt matters anymore because everything has been
Day 1 -
Went there early for my Inuyasha group but to find out that no one was there yet..sigh...punctuality =0% as the photoshoot was suppose to be 9am..well group planning was out of place cant blame the leader ashe was a newbie, holding groups are such pain in the ass if everyone is not committed oRZ next time go solo or with a close friends =D Joseph @ Kira managed to take a few pics of my kikyo before i changed (this gets better 8D wait for more!) Thanks for the pics!
Kikyo from Inuyasha (failed because my bow & arrow tak ada oRZ)
AND i've waited like an idiot for people to COD i couldnt walk around much thanks to it. Next year onwards no more CODs at CF! =.= i've sent SMS to everyone included timing to be there but none was punctual =.= made me fantoi so many times!
Though i've great awesome friends around me to talk & laugh about i was so stressed out! =.= Thanks for it.
A big thank you to Shiro, his friend (sorry cant remember ur name T_T but thank you!), Raz, KCLee, Blur, Hexlord, Kira, LinkinStreet &Hibiki Tokai for taking my pictures during CF m(_ _)m i'm really grateful for it,and sorry if the pics of me turns out ugly D= cuz im fugly D= SORRY!!!!!!!
Looking forward to see it though =)
managed to take some camwhore snapshots with my friends, sorry for the lousy camera quality oRZ
Me& Moco
Doll& Dagger! <3
Lynn as Shinobu from bakemonogatari! <3
more pics coming soon, overall at the end of the day it wasnt so bad as it seems =)
enjoyed myself very much as i was looking forward for this event the whole year XD
DAY 2 -
will update later! stay tune! =D
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