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Welcome to my blog!

If you are in for an adventure paired with lengthy, quirky, brutal honest thoughts then you are in the right place.

My name is Arisa and was a cosplayer for 12 years in Malaysia before settling down in Kyoto, Japan. Exploring Japan full time has been a long time dream of mine, so let's explore it together!
For sponsorship, collaborations and engagements: arisa1443@gmail.com

OnlyBeauty's Official Bloggers Launch Party

I feel so honored to be part of this family! :-) Really do! Thank you Tammy for having faith me in and my new found family of beauty kaki-s XD Yay! *pops rainbow confetti*
Don't know what is OnlyBeauty? Boy...you must be missing out alot on life ladies :-P
Check out my post on OnlyBeauty here : http://bit.ly/TRL3vb

Full day of laughter and pampering session, what more can a girl ask for? :-)

The theme was pink, full coordination from Tanks For 5 (and they are having a buy 1 free 1 promo now-read more about it HERE)

T'was really unexpected of OnlyBeauty to host a party early in the morning (or maybe we lazy bums just wanted to sleep in on a weekend XD) me and Jean got a Ride from Reiko since all of us live nearby lol, such a coincidence! >w< Thank you Reiko!

Sponsored venue by Posh! Nail Spa
31, Lorong Dato Sulaiman 7, Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Phone 03.7724.1890 (TTDI); 03.7877.0815 (SS2)
Email nailspa.posh@gmail.com

We sorta got abit lost on the way to TTDI (as usual Malaysian road signs are never helpful lol) Thank god after 1-2 circles we found it :D And i got a shock of my life! Never expected the nail saloon to be super duper near my friend's house which was like opposite the saloon and i can't believe I totally forgot the name of the area >.< me and my horrible memory /jumps off cliff

The heavely sight that greeted us in the saloon >w< ♥  all the early bird bloggers getting their pampering session done by Posh! Nail Spa
The saloon was nicely decorated with heart shaped helium balloons (i always had the idea of holding a bunch of them hoping they could carry me up as well XD *kena piak*) by PartyMooMoo 

While waiting for the rest to arrive (we were split into two groups, so we can take turns for each program) decided to just snap photos first, it's seriously damn nice, the decorations..the interior...betul-betul POSH (,,#゚Д゚) look at the nail designs, super detailed! And this is only the first tier XD There are like 4-5 tiers below filled with tons of different designs to choose from ♥

Welcoming speech by OnlyBeauty's president, Mr.Wong and introduction of OnlyBeauty's crew 
Thank you so much for having us bloggers on-board your ship capt'n ヾ(^∇^)

Marketing manager of OnlyBeauty, Tammy Lim (also the Chief editor of plusizekitten.com) briefing us about OnlyBeauty Blogger Program and activities that they have lined up for us :-) Thank you Tammy for all the hard work on organizing this wonderful launch party and constantly keeping us updated! *huggles*

Setapak gang : Reiko, Jean & photobomb me :D

Camwhore time with reiko, hardest part is the focusing especially if you are using a huge dslr (=_=;;)

Don't mess with her, she is certified for laughing :D

Here is our laughter yoga teacher, Kitty - a Very Jovial looking lady with a hearty laugh and boy i couldn't help laughing by just watching her laugh (-_-) It sure is infectious lols (no kidding, I've learnt something new out of this XD) laughing can be an exercise too lol when we first heard of this, the idea that went through my mind is people doing yoga poses while laughing wtf hahaha! But actually laughing yoga is pretty much an exercise that just requires you to laugh while doing a few simple stretching actions and don't underestimate the power or laughing, not everyone can laugh loud & long, it requires some stamina too.

People like you and me need a reason to laugh, so we are somehow very in control of our emotions (in other words, stiff/ kayu) that is why when Kitty told us to just randomly laugh out loud, we all found it quite a challenge and ended up sounding super duper fake lol while Kitty laughs and laughs effortlessly (explains how she got certified XD) 

Kitty's Best advice : Fake it until you make it (─‿‿─)

Congrats to Fatin for winning the laughing contest! XD That was indeed one heck of a laugh, even Kitty can't beat you lol

Moving on to our next session with color therapist, Evelyn Leong who teaches us how to identify our birth colors (after that we got our manicure and pedicure based on it♥)

Really got to know alot of things over the weekend @_@ over fed the small brain of mine (still taking time to digest lolol) this topic about colors i somehow find most interesting :-) There is a calculation for it and based on her studies there are only 9 colors associated to human personalities, through the colors it tells alot about a person's character (shocking part is it's pretty much accurate in my case) 
For more information about the colors you can find on her website : Colourzwork.com
and also her Facebook : Colourzwork

This is how the little game with Colourzwork started :D In a bag filled with balloon strips based on 9 colors, Evelyn told us to just randomly pick our favorite color (i personally like turquoise but i have no idea why my fingers automatically took Violet) and after the calculation i found out my birth color is Yellow
It was real Déjà vu for me >.< as a small kid, I've always liked yellow while my older sister adores red (until now) but after a certain age I've decided not to like the color yellow anymore :-/ 
Reason? Couldn't think of any until this session with Evelyn, I've found out a little more about myself and like everyone else we do live in denial ,it's just that we don't realised it. For a personal consultation, do drop Colourzwork an email :-)

  • Clarity, confidence, strong ego, always searching and discovering
  • Bright, inventive mind, full of ideas
  • Appearance is important to you and everything must look good
  • You make impact in social event and people remember you

So yellow it is :-) time for Pedicure and manicure by Posh! Nail Spa
ps : my first time doing full pedicure >w< didn't know they even had leg scrub for it, and they pretty much removed most of my dry skin  *shiawase*

Excuse my ugly feet~ 8D 
Was actually kinda worried about the shade of yellow they were gonna use on me since my skin tone is pretty much yellow-ish already lol (blame Asians) thank god it was pastel yellow- apparently the only shade of yellow they had in the saloon. Guessed Yellow is not a famous color XD

What i like about Posh! Nail Spa aside from the cozy saloon? Their manicurist are really good at what they do. My 2nd time getting my nails professionally done (well, i wouldn't consider my first time "professional" because they did a horrible job on it :-/ read about it HERE) And I was super duper excited when Tammy told us we are gonna get Gelish Manicure O(≧∇≦)O First time!! Woots!

P/s : It's been a week now and they haven't chipped nor lost its glossiness >w< *hearts* Would love to try Gel French Manicure one day (◕‿◕✿)

The modern LED lamp that dries gel nail polish within 30 seconds, the traditional UV lamps takes about 2 minutes (imagine for 10 nails @_@ must have took forever to dry *aiks* >.<)

After a full day of activities time for the feast (^▽^)
Colorful cakes and pastries from Wondermilk awaited us ~

Cupcakes from Wondermilk Taken by shiro-chan (Samsung WB150F)

Taken by shiro-chan (Samsung WB150F)

Wondermilk 's signature Lola cake with colors of a rainbow (but only 6 colors though lol), sad because didn't get to try it ;_; sobs had to rush off to my cousin's wedding

Taken by shiro-chan (Samsung WB150F)

The sprinkles with reindeer picture reminded me of rainbow droppings (reindeer shitting rainbow, whereby the term usually goes -Puke rainbow)-_-;;; sorry for being disgusting lol

Selca time >w<♥

Couldn't help posing with the adorable cupcake ♥

And It's a Wrap!!!!

Group photo with all the Official beauty bloggers for OnlyBeauty  (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

After the event we were given a goodie bag of beauty products worth over RM300 to be reviewed :-) 
First mission from OnlyBeauty >w< so excited~ Here is a sneak peak of what's inside of the cute pink paper bag. 

P/S : I'll be doing a giveaway for this as well (share the love yo!) make sure to subscribe to my blog so you won't miss it *winks*;-)

Once again Thank you OnlyBeauty for the fabulous time! (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

Remember to join us at www.onlybeauty.com.my to get freebies, exclusive invites to beauty events, beauty product samples to be reviewed and many more surprises awaits you  ! :-)



  1. You're so pretty. X) And I like the pic of Setapak gang with you photobombing. XD

    1. haha, thank you dear >///< *blush* not as pretty as you though :) yea, that was a random test shot XD glad it came out quite decent XD

  2. aww! so pretty!! and the yellow is so bright! :D


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