Samsung Get-To-Know The Bloggers Gathering
Once again I have to graciously thank Manoah for the prestigious opportunity of getting to be one of Samsung's brand Evangelist.
Never in my life I've ever thought that i would go this far in the blogging industry especially since i started of being a "syok sendiri" blog lol.
Being able to get together with Samsung is indeed an opportunity of a lifetime and I owe that to a respected man and a friend that has always supported me, Donovan.
Believe it or not, this is my first time visiting The Pool lol! Though it's so close to me I never found a reason to drop by XD
And ironically after missing KLFW on wednesday because i forgot my wallet, guessed what happened again at this event (it was on a Thursday btw)?
I forgot my wallet again for the 2nd time! Totally went WTF =_= Sorry Karmon for all the trouble :-(
Even though i wasn't feeling well that night, i still managed to drag my body out to attend this event because it's not something you would want to miss if you were in my shoes ;-)
Thank you to all the well wishes dearies and the warning about the food, especially the soup XD lol
Thank you Reiko for the lift! :-)
Far left : Reiko, Jean, Karmon and me
Our MC of the night was none other than inspiring fitness DJ, Linora Low (from
I really admire her confidence, hopefully one day I'll reach there. Fun as always she managed to draw everyone's attention to the wall before telling us why she did that XD
Couldn't believe all of us fell for it lol!
We were tricked! LOL
Our awesome host of the night, Don from Manoah giving his welcome speech
Linora introducing our awesome supportive clients from Samsung, that night was a night we get to know each other better. To build a stronger relationship bond between us bloggers and Samsung :-) It's indeed a rare opportunity for us so I'm grateful for this private get together session with them.
Far left : Jyuri, Sam, Ryan andYuki
The fun night did not end there! There was also a photobooth for us bloggers to "syok sendiri" XD
Look at all the photos we took, fun times are best captured in photos ;-)
Brought to you by Insta Media:
Look at my cookie, customized Samsung Cookie lol i was photobombed by the blue light while selca-ing XD Thank you Samsung and Manoah for the wonderful night!
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