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Welcome to my blog!

If you are in for an adventure paired with lengthy, quirky, brutal honest thoughts then you are in the right place.

My name is Arisa and was a cosplayer for 12 years in Malaysia before settling down in Kyoto, Japan. Exploring Japan full time has been a long time dream of mine, so let's explore it together!
For sponsorship, collaborations and engagements: arisa1443@gmail.com


Few more hours to Christmas peeps and new year is already next week. How time flies, barely felt this year at all lol and we are getting another year older *sobs*

But  before the clock strikes 12am tonight i would like to give back a heartfelt thank you to all my faithful followers of the little "syok sendiri" blog of mine despite all the nonsense and whatnots :-P
You guys practically know everything about me since i've always tried to make every blogpost sound personal (well not all, but i tried :-P)

Oh, remember to join my Guinness giveaway ya ;) I have 2 crates to giveaway and it ends tonight. More details here: http://bit.ly/1bnIyaX

As I've promised before I said that i will be santa's little elf helper this year to give out prezzies to good lil big kids (like you all who are reading this, haha!)
And i do not back out from my word, i know it's rather late to host this "Christmas Giveaway" but think of if more as a thank you gift for all your unending support.

What's inside?

Seeing all your supportive comments on my facebook page/blog through the thick and thin moments of my life really helped alot.
Couldn't have go through this year without all of you! *muaxx*

Without further ado let's get this GIVEAWAY STARTED PEOPLE! *pops confetti*
Pretty sure that most of you know that i am a hardcore Samsung user through my personal blogposts, reviews and event launches.

I've never felt so blessed to be able to get such an opportunity that i think most "tech addict guys" would die to have :-P Getting to witness a gadget firs, not to mention play with it too.

So now i would like to give back to all of you dear readers/ followers ;-)
Now I am giving away one lucky reader a Brand New Samsung Ativ S phone worth RM1130 with no strings attached!

If any of you had wished that you will get a brand new phone for Christmas, looks like your dream is going to be granted.
Very simple, everything is in the Rafflecopter app below.  Make sure to share the joy daily on your social media platforms (twitter/ Facebook) to increase your chances of winning ;-)

This can be yours by just a click away~~
Isn't she a beauty?

All the best dearies!
And Have a Blessed Merry Christmas!

Results are out! Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but always keep the good stuff for the last  ;-)
Would like to thank of of you for supporting me throughout this whole year, pretty sad that 2013 has come to an end but let's hope 2014 would be another amazing year to look forward to.

The winner of this giveaway have been selected! Seriously love Rafflecopter giveaway app, makes things so much easier and i don't even have to manually select the winners.
Everything will be done through an online random generator so that it is fair for all, if not i have to do a fishbowl vlog like i did last time :-P 

Congratulations Jason Chong! You will be contacted shortly for your prize collection.
So here is a great start of a 2014 for you ;-)

I miss my long hair, don't worry Chi wai (my hairstylist) i love all the amazing work you have done on my hair it's just me being always indecisive about my hairstyle   (o;TωT)o
But what do you guys think? I should keep my previous helmet hair or go crazy? :-P

Thank you all so much for joining this giveaway, but don't be sad if you have not won anything from my blog yet because i promise 2014 will be a more rewarding.
Stay tuned for more goodies as i will be launching another giveaway very soon. 



  1. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  2. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! <3.<3

  3. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! XDDD

  4. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  5. Babe, I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  6. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!! :3

  7. Hi..I'm joining in! great giveaway!


  8. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

    *dear God please help me win, I'm in desperate need of a new phone!

  9. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! :)

  10. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  13. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  14. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! :3 <3

  15. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  16. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!! :3

    *Please, please, please, I really want an android phone~*

  17. I stumbled upon your blog, and found it super lovely and interesting!
    Gonna support you ^^

    Btw, I want to win a Samsung Ativ S too!!! =D

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!!

  18. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  19. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!
    with your fans sign if i may ^_^

  20. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  21. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!!! My mom can get this new phone :D

  22. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  23. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! So that my mum can has new phone for new year and throw away her old phone that can't set more than 1 alarm to remind her to eat her medicine.

  24. I wan to WIN a SAMSUNG Ativ S !!!!!! I wan to WIN a SAMSUNG Ativ S !!!!!! I wan to WIN a SAMSUNG Ativ S !!!!!! I wan to WIN a SAMSUNG Ativ S !!!!!! I wan to give my younger sister new phone as her birthday in next month January Birthday Present !!!!! THANK Q

  25. "I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"pls!!!!!"I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!""I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  26. "I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  27. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  28. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

    Facebook name: Li Na

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S ! ↖(^ω^)↗

  30. I deep need of a new phone so yeah I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!!!

    Love your Elsa cosplay but was too shy to ask for a picture that day. >///< MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  31. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  32. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! <3

  33. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  34. I want to win a Samsung ATIV S!

  35. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  36. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  37. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!


  38. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  39. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  40. Dear Arisa,

    I wish to win the Samsung Ativ S for my mother! She does not have a proper smartphone like the rest of my family members do, because she always puts her family's needs first. I want to buy a smartphone for my mummy but I've not earn my own money yet as I'm still studying in university. If I win the Samsung Ativ S smartphone, it would really give me an opportunity to put a smile on her face :) After everything she has done for me and provided for the family, this is the least I can do. I really hope I could win this for my mother! On one note, if she had this smartphone, I could whatsapp and call her for free, since I'm studying at Selangor and my mother is back in Penang. We talked to each other on the phone very often since I away from my family for studies. Please Arisa! I need the Samsung Ativ S for my mummy!


  41. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  42. "I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  43. "I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  44. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S
    hope to win thanks

  45. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S

  46. what a great so wonderful
    I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  47. "I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!"

  48. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! thanks for sharing those awesome post here babe. happy new year!

  49. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  50. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  51. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!

  52. I want to win a Samsung Ativ S! :)

  53. This is great ~ I hope I can win this ~~ ^^

  54. Who don't want to win Samsung Ativ S? Definitely not me cause I want to win a Samsung Ativ S!!! =D
    thanks Arisa! =) done all the steps!


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