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Welcome to my blog!

If you are in for an adventure paired with lengthy, quirky, brutal honest thoughts then you are in the right place.

My name is Arisa and was a cosplayer for 12 years in Malaysia before settling down in Kyoto, Japan. Exploring Japan full time has been a long time dream of mine, so let's explore it together!
For sponsorship, collaborations and engagements: arisa1443@gmail.com

Rewarding Year End

Being a Samsung user has been one of the best choices I've ever made because with Samsung it's all about being rewarded back for their users!
How often do you even come across a brand that actually thanks you by showing it in actions instead of just words?

Samsung is indeed a real life Santa claus :-P Except it's blue not red lol
So happen after my S4 got it's recent update i realised there is a new app (or playstore) exclusively for Samsung users only with privilege deals and discounts for applications, e-magazines and even games.

So getting a new phone makes you happy, but getting the special extra great deals that comes with it is more than just one of the perks.
Can never thank them enough for all this endless pampering /kena slap

It covers basically everything you need in your smartphone, check out the Galaxy Life App here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.galaxylife

Purely no spams but this application is all about constant rewards, instead of getting useless pop ups advertisement at least this will catch your attention.
Get to redeem free products, food vouchers and even gym trial for FREE just because you are a SAMSUNG USER.

Also don't forget to redeem your free issue from SPH magazines by using this code: SAMSUNG1
It's only valid till 31st Dec (1 more day to go!)
Make sure to sign up first though 

I've already redeemed mine ;-)
Have you?

Feeling left out yet because you are not a Samsung user? Don't worry because this  they are currently having an ongoing promotion with every purchase of ANY GALAXY device and submit your SMS with your product's IMEI number. 

There are 1000 places to be filled :D 
Find out how you can be one of the selected 1000 winners here: http://spr.ly/6186drSQ

Happy Holidays and Happy New year everyone!



  1. That's good freebies from Samsung.

    1. yea im also tempted to get a new galaxy note 3 already XD


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