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Welcome to my blog!

If you are in for an adventure paired with lengthy, quirky, brutal honest thoughts then you are in the right place.

My name is Arisa and was a cosplayer for 12 years in Malaysia before settling down in Kyoto, Japan. Exploring Japan full time has been a long time dream of mine, so let's explore it together!
For sponsorship, collaborations and engagements: arisa1443@gmail.com

Gratefulness and Rewards (EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO Giveaway)

This year has been treating me well so far and I've made more friends after Comicfiesta last year, thank you all for your unending support to an old cosplayer like me who barely shows up in events anymore *sobs* well..sometimes i do, it's just that i ninja around and no one knows it's me 8D ohoho~
A proud skill i shall add into my resume /kena slap.

So how has this first month of the year been treating you guys so far? Hope it's been great too because in you are residing in KL, Malaysia it seems that this whole month is full of public holidays (on weekdays too!)

Not to mention Chinese New Year is about less than 2 weeks away and i still haven't made my CNY clothes yet lol. I wonder if i should stick to the traditional wear or just go crazy with my designs, the only thing i am worried about is being able to execute the plan well or not >.<
To think of it, it's kinda risky..so right now I am in dilemma oTL

Last year if I am not mistaken my page was only about 1-2k followers and after the sudden CF'13 appearance it suddenly reached 5k! O_O omgosh!!!! Upon seeing that number i nearly fainted, in such a short period of time too.
Couldn't thank you guys enough for this amazing gift :-)
As promised (i apologize for being slow *bows*) I will host more giveaways this year, so i shall start with the girls first, guys are most welcome to join too if you are such a gem to win these for your girlfriends or siblings.

Remember this photo hint on my Elsa tutorial?

In all my make up tutorials blogpost and instagram posts you have also noticed that there is one particular country where their brand quality is the only one i rely on to do all my make up. Obviously Japan, my love for that country and it's rich culture knows no boundaries (♥ω♥ ) ~♪

  1. Kiss Me
  2. J Pop Corner

Using Kiss Me lashes for Elsa

And J Pop Corner lashes for Anna

Not because i am an evangelist of the brand (or some of you refer to as ambassador) hence that is why i am promoting the brand. It's more like a pure testimonial from me, I honestly wouldn't want to use something that i am not confident in and share it to all my readers no? Sorry, that is what i call having integrity that way ;-)

And i only manage to be where i am today all thanks (i apologize for the so many "thank you" in this blogpost lol) because of your support and encouragements despite some obstacles on the way.
So now, I am giving back as a token of my appreciation and a chance for you girls to try out these amazing brands as well! 

Support J Pop Corner too!!

 It's pretty simple thanks to Rafflecopter, just follow a few simple steps and who knows you might be one of the lucky 3 winners!
I have 3 EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes - worth RM59.90 each to give away before the end of January.

1. Eyemazing x Amo : No.813
2. Eyemazing x Ayamo : No.818
3. Eyemazing x Ayamo : No.816

* prize selection will be given at random, subject to change without prior notice

All The Best!(๑・ω-)~♥”


  1. Ahhhh *A* I've been dieing to have this lashes.. Hopefully i can be that lucky one OxO <3

  2. Heyhey~
    Your Elsa cosplay is juz AWESOME!!
    Sadly i didn't manage to say hi to u on CF.. 0.0


  4. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I want to cosplay as Anna and this lashes is awesome !! I love your cosplay tutorial too ~ Hope I can win it !!

  5. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I love all your looks created with these lashes and I wanted to try them out too!
    Thankieewww! <3

  6. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because their lashes are so beautiful and elegant. I really wanted to get them when i first saw them at Watson. But due to budget problem :< I can only always go there and see the lashes. So this is a perfect chance for me to get them for free and try them at last and not go to watson and look at them only 8D <3

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. your ELSA cosplay is good n i love it so much <3
    hope that i can gt the lashes n try them out 2

  9. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because the first sight I saw these lashes in Watson, I really be attracted by the lashes, because it's so natural! I am a newbie still learning how to use the lashes with make up. I keep research all type of lashes in the market,but at the end I am still love EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO. I am saving money to get these lashes and suddenly heard a good news is giveaway these lashes so I try my best to join this, wish to get these lashes!! >////////<

  10. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I love japanese cosmetics very much!!
    By the way, I am a fans of Amoyamo!!。+゜ヾ(o゜∀゜o)ノ。+゜
    They are so cute!!ヽ(●ゝ∀・●)ノ・.。*
    But I am still a student, can't get so much money to buy them.Japanese products are really expensive, I gonna take them home if I was rich!+.ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜+.゜

    So I wish I am the lucky one to get the beautifuuuuul lashes!Thank youuu very muchhieヽ(●ゝ∀・●)ノ・.。*

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I WANT TO TRY EYEMAZING X AYOMANO LASHES BECAUSE these lashes are so so so pretty and so lovable!!! Japan cosmetics are so good in quality of course it is pricey so I want to give it a try (since I can't afford it) and that's why I'm here! I can imagine when I wear the lashes to cosplay it's gonna flutter like bling bling wuahaha. I've always wanted to enter your giveaway contest! I damn admire you because of your makeup skills, doing your own costume, styling and drawings! You are so talented >3<! I really hope I can be one of the lucky winner to grab this home!!! :3 ❤️❤️❤️

  13. I WANT TO TRY EYEMAZING X AYOMANO LASHES BECAUSE those eyelashes are so beautiful and long-lasting! I can't afford it since I'm not working and I really wished to try it >< Hope to win!

  14. I WANT TO TRY EYEMAZING X AYOMANO LASHES BECAUSE i just love those eyelashes *w*

  15. I WANT TO TRY EYEMAZING X AYAMANO LASHES BECAUSE I just hope I can win it for my sister, not myself.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. OMG!!! It's ARISA's GIBUGIBU GIVEAWAY TIME!!!! I want to try the EYEMAZING X AMOYAMO eyelashes because I just adore everything SHOOOO KAWAII, FUWA FUWA + GYARU desu (>w<)v Plus they don't just look EYEMAZING, they'll make anyone wearing eyemazing and sexeye xD Hope I can win! Please and thank you!

  18. omg its so amazing i want those pretty eyelashes i been dying to try those lashes but i cant afford to have all of those unless have lots of money XD

  19. I wanna try EYEMAZING X AMOYAMO eyelashes because....

    such eyelash
    much amaze
    want get lucky .

    happy cny arisa :D

  20. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because it makes my eyes look amazing and much more sparkling.

  21. Hi! I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because they look really gorgeous and who wouldn't want free lashes?? *winkwinkwink* /shot

  22. Hey Arisa! I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I really love Amo's make up style and technique <3 i follow her on instagram and liked almost each of her selfies lol xD And if i'd like to achive Amo's look, it would only be complete if I use her lashes right? :p


  24. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I absolutely love Harajuku style and Amo's one of my favourite models! I've been following Kpop trends for quite long and I thought that it's time to give it a change so I'm trying to venture into Harajuku style. It's colourful, fun and you can dress up in your own way, and I think that these lashes by one of the hugely influence style icons in Harajuku would be so awesome!

  25. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because they are so lovely as in the lashes design and gotta love the coloured lash end which give you lashes a hint of colour and pop out your eyes makeup! And it looks good when you close your eyes too :D

  26. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I think it looks so amazing with Japanese-ish makeup to look more kawaii~ I can imagine myself rocking those lashes with my sweet inspired make-up in my lolita~

  27. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because the lashes looked amazing and I have always wanted to try something new other than just mascara and normal falsies!

  28. I wanna try EYEMAZING X AMOYAMO eyelashes because.....

    I love make up myself too and want to try out new lashes <3

    Btw, Happy CNY Lisa, and thanks for having these give away :)

  29. Hi Arisa!! Love yr cosplays and would really like to try out these lashes.

    All the best and continue to be awesome :D

  30. Arisa, Thanks for doing this giveaway, i'm always ur super diehard fans XP!! SUPPORT! p/s: love ur elsa to the max XP

  31. Hi Arisa~!:D
    Im a fan of your cosplays since i saw your Jigoku Shoujo - Hone Onna cosplay <3 I love it alot~! /big jigoku shoujo fan here www/

    I hope i can win the lashes~ Thank you for holding this giveway~! ;3

  32. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I a girls who barely use lashes due to the heaviness. Try a different lashes but they just make me look tired instead of bigger eyes. It really surprise me knowing that you can wear those beautiful lashes for whole day without feeling uncomfortable. That's why i'm more tempted to try out , how good is the lashes are. Hope it will be the lashes that can accompany me for lifetime. :)

  33. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I haven't get any chance to try any Japanese lashes brand before. So I hope I can win this and try it out!

  34. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because they look AMAZING O; and i dont have the money to buy them myself ;n; i just started cosplaying and im still a student, a bankrupt one *cries* so winning these would help me alot .n.

  35. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because they look amazing on you and I wanna have amazing eyelashes like you!

  36. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because they look amazing !! and I wanna try it to get a pretty eyes like you ~~ :DD

  37. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because...

    *switch on Let it go*

    Let it go~
    Can't hold it back anymoreeee

    For AMO
    and AMOYAMO
    Turn those eyes into decor

    Let those eyes shine onnnnn!
    Pretty eyes never bothered me anyway ;)

    Ok seriously am very proud of your Elsa cosplay, I hope you do cosplay Anna one day too! <3
    Happy CNY Arisa!

  38. i like use Japanese style eyelashes because i love japan like damn~! (/≥▽≤)/~┴┴ I also have research what pattern can make how effect for make up so If can win EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes then can try more different style for me~ o(≥ω≤)o

  39. Wow~ You're so beautiful, talented & juz AMAZING~
    Hope u have a wonderful new year & many more years to come~

    I hope that i'm lucky enough to win these lashes~ ^^

  40. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I'm gonna be cosplaying for the first time this year and getting a small sponsor from free eyelashes would help with my budget a little OTL

  41. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I love amo & ayamo & would love to try their lashes! My dear friend let me try a pair of hers & I'm addicted! <3

  42. I want to try EYEMAZING x AMOYAMO lashes because I'm a crazy eyelashes hoarder aka collector! I have all kinds in my drawer, from natural, to feather-ly, to a very dramatic one. Even have the 'diamond' one. OMG I'm just too obsessed with eyelashes!!
    Yes, with such huge collection, Of course I'll definitely wear them one day since eyelashes are a must for me everyday before leaving the house. And this pretty eyelashes giveaway u're hosting, I cant resist myself to join this!!

  43. its good to know there is still a good blogger altho most of us is always busy with work , got no time to blogging .... well , loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all your pictures and your details on the eye lashes ..... personally i love Eyemazing x Ayamo : No.816

  44. You are so good at complying!! The elsa look is amazing!



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